On March 23, the Board of Trustees held a public hearing on AFT’s initial proposals, and the district’s proposals, for the next faculty contract, which will cover July 2022-June 2025. The process called “sunshining,” is legally required for collective bargaining with public employees and after the sunshining process is complete, negotiations for the new contract can begin. The union is now waiting for the District to begin the negotiations process. AFT is ready to go to the table!
AFT’s proposals include:
- A fairer salary formula than the one that gave us a .52% raise for this year
- Clear policies around class cancellations
- Paid parental leave
- Increased District contribution to full-time health benefits
- Part-time pay parity (pay PT faculty at least 85% of what FT faculty make for the same amount of work)
- Better healthcare options for part-timers
- Guarantee that faculty can do a certain percentage of work remotely
- Stronger part-timer appointment rights
- Clear, expedient disability accommodation process
- Contractual protection for academic freedom
- Contractual provisions covering distance education
- Clear policies on when faculty may be assigned to teach dual enrollment classes
Click here to view AFT’s full contract proposals
Here’s what you can do:
- Fill out a Count On Me card at https://bit.ly/3J1VjjG or when a colleague asks you. Many of your colleagues are distributing paper versions (bright green two-sided cards) – either digital or paper is great! These cards are an important tool in our campaign. You’ll see a summary of AFT’s proposals on one side and a check-list of actions you’re willing to take on the other side. Please fill out a Count On Me card now!
Questions: Contact AFT Executive Secretary, Marianne Kaletzky, kaletzky@aft1493.org
– Your AFT Contract Action Team