View full December 2019 issue (pdf)
In this issue:
We are waiting: Over 90 supporters pack Board meeting to hear nine faculty tell Trustees how contract issues affect teaching and learning
Speakers addressed faculty workload, part-time parity, progressive discipline, lab load credit, and fair compensation- Minor movement in latest round of bargaining
Nov. 26 bargaining session focused on workload, progressive discipline, investigations, part-time pay parity & compensation - Interim Chancellor Mike Claire answers faculty questions at CSM Townhall meeting
Claire answered questions on workload, low-enrolled classes, Galatolo investigation, evaluation of administrators and more - Faculty with disabilities: Creating a culture of inclusion
Meeting ADA needs of faculty must be District priority - Members’ responses on “Equal pay for labs”
Faculty responded to November Advocate article - CSEA supports AFT speakers, raises concerns about Chancellor search process
Juanita Celaya, CSEA Chapter 33 First Vice President, spoke at Nov. 20 Board meeting - Adjunct faculty: Claim your medical insurance stipend by end of the semester
Adjuncts who work 40% or more of full-time can receive reimbursement for as much as $1,505 per semester - Part-timers eligible for unemployment benefits between semesters
Don’t be reluctant to file. This is your right, not charity! - Union-sponsored scholarships available to AFT members and dependents
Applications for some scholarships due soon - Unions working to get all residents counted in 2020 Census
Help counter the Feds’ efforts to undercount county residents