Solidarity with union siblings on strike
About 453,000 workers have gone on strike so far this year to win stronger contracts and better working conditions. AFT 1493 has made donations to support 4 unions that have recently gone on indefinite strikes, including:
- Hotel workers in Los Angeles (Unite Here Local 11)
- Autoworkers in the Western US (United Autoworkers Region 6)
- Writers in film, television, radio, and online media around the country (Writers Guild of America—Entertainment Community Fund)
- Performers and media professionals (SAG-AFTRA)
Members of the WGA recently ratified their new contract after 148 days on strike; the other three unions remain on strike. If you are able to donate, we encourage you to contribute to strike and hardship funds to support financially struggling members of any of these four unions. You can contribute using the links above. And if you have family or friends who are taking collective action with other unions and could use support from our local, please let us know.