May 2018 Advocate: AFT Local 1493 elects new leaders for 2018-2020
AFT Local 1493 elects new leaders for 2018-2020
AFT Local 1493 has just concluded its elections to determine its officers and Executive Committee (EC) members for the next two academic years, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
Paul Rueckhaus was elected to serve as the President of AFT 1493, with Joaquin Rivera and Katharine Harer serving as the Local’s Co-Vice Presidents.
Paul Rueckhaus, new AFT Local 1493 President
Jessica Silver-Sharp was elected to be Secretary, with Anne Stafford and Teeka James elected as Co-Treasurers.
Doniella Maher and Salumeh Eslamieh were elected to serve as the new Chapter Co-Chairs at Cañada College; Steve Lehigh was elected to be the new Chapter Chair at CSM; and Rika Fabian and Bianca Rowden-Quince will serve as the new Chapter Co-Chairs at Skyline College.
Rudy Ramirez was elected to be the new Part-Timer Representative at CSM and Lucia Olson was elected to serve as the new Part-Timer Rep. at Cañada College. There is still an opening at Skyline College for a Part-Time Representative, although there were a number of write-in votes received for this position. The new Executive Committee will have to decide who will be appointed to fill this position.
The elected CSM Executive Committee Co-Representatives are Teeka James and David Laderman. The Skyline Executive Committee Rep. will be Nathan Jones. The Cañada EC Rep. will need to be appointed by the EC There were numerous write-in votes for this position.
Additionally, the Local’s election determined who the delegates to the next Conventions of the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) are. The AFT Local 1493 delegates to the San Mateo Labor Council were also determined by this recent vote of the AFT 1493 membership. The names of all of these elected delegates can be found on the AFT 1493 website:
Constitution and By-Laws revisions approved
Finally, there were two questions that the AFT 1493 membership were asked to vote on in this election: Shall AFT Local 1493 adopt its revised Constitution as posted on the AFT website? And shall AFT 1493 adopt the By-Laws posted on the AFT website which lists the duties of its officers and staff? Both questions were answered with an almost unanimous approval.
The new AFT 1493 Officers and Executive Committee members begin their term of office at the May 9 AFT meeting (2:15 pm at Skyline College, Room 6-203.)
The Local holds meetings usually on the second Wednesday of each month during the academic year, with meetings rotating on all three of the colleges in the District. The agenda for each meeting is sent out electronically to all faculty a week before the meeting takes place, and all faculty are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion.