May 2014 Advocate – AFT 1493 launches Facebook page


AFT 1493 launches Facebook page

by Michelle Kern, CSM Part-Timer Rep.

Continuing its tradition of excellence in communications, AFT 1493 is rolling out a new venture in social media, a Facebook page, located at 

The Facebook page will a be place for the union’s membership and for members of the public to check out articles from The Advocate, posts about union and college activities, and also articles of broader issues in higher education.

Anyone who has a Facebook account can join by “liking” the page at the address, which will subscribe a member, which will cause the pages’ posts to appear in one’s private newsfeed.  Members can share articles and posts from the page, so other friends can view the material as well.  Becoming a member of the page also allows subscribers to comment on posts in conversations with other members on threads on the page.  

The AFL-CIO, AFT, and CFT have been employing Facebook pages for a few years now, and view social media as a key piece of strategy in informing members of important political issues.  Facebook campaigns built around the Proposition 30 and 32 ballot measures of 2012 in California, for example, were instrumental in reaching voters.

Social media can also be a critical tool in helping to foster and build on local alliances and community ties. Neighboring AFT locals, such as CCSF’s AFT 2121, use and maintain a Facebook presence to connect the public to ongoing issues of import and concern to the public, such as the accreditation struggle with ACCJC.  

Facebook pages are often the first place a member of the public will encounter information from the union about current events or issues of interest, and as a result they can be a key tool in organizing and building community.  For union members, the page can be an excellent way to provide feedback on articles and campaigns by AFT 1493 and to explore the work done by the union.

Have more ideas for how this Facebook page can expand the union’s communications?  Like the page and let us know what else you’d like to see.