Dear faculty colleagues,
As you may be aware, masking requirements put in place by the California Department of Public Health and Cal/OSHA have changed. Currently, SMCCCD continues to require all individuals on campuses to wear masks indoors. However, if this requirement were rescinded, the new CDPH and Cal/OSHA guidance would allow both employees and students, regardless of vaccination status, to go unmasked in campus buildings.
AFT needs to understand faculty perspectives on potential changes to masking policies, especially as we look at the possibility of negotiating with the District over masking requirements. Please take this 2-question survey by Wednesday, March 9th, to let us know your perspective:
Whatever the results of the survey, AFT will continue to advocate for robust and diverse Covid safety measures and for the continued availability of N95 and KN-95 masks furnished by the District for employees and students. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Marianne Kaletzky at or by calling 650.574.6491.