Elizabeth Ingber, Skyline faculty member, shared their thoughts after attending a contract bargaining session on Wednesday, August 8. “Attending negotiations provided insight into the dialogue between our union and the district and revealed the degree of patience needed throughout the process. One can start to understand just how much time and prepared effort it takes to come to agreements. Since we hope to advance our faculty’s needs with every new contract it is important to support our union’s negotiating team so that we can continue to improve working conditions for current and future faculty… Attending negotiations can show the district and our team that faculty are paying attention and are not indifferent to the results.“ Read to the end of this message to see what other members have to say about the District’s stalling tactics. |
FACT: On May 4, 2022, AFT and the District held our first negotiation session. FACT: Despite holding day-long bargaining sessions on August 2nd and August 11th, this week we will enter our second academic year without a contract. |
FAIRNESS? While we’ve made progress on salary and benefits, the District has completely refused to move on our proposals on:
Little progress has been made on dual enrollment. |
EQUITY= A timely fair contract! Members like you have shared how the District’s continual stalling has negatively impacted their lives.
Adjunct Working Conditions
“The opportunity cost of delayed payment in this current economic environment impacts every area of my life, and I had to teach more over the summer in order to cover my bases instead of getting some much needed time off.” — English PT faculty, CSM District Hypocrisy & Loss of Faith
“…I am having to adjust my life considerably to be able to make it to the next paycheck. The district is demonstrating a non negotiation tactic that is a cause for me to mistrust the district… how can [faculty] create a safe and trusting environment for our students [if] the district will not create that for the faculty?” — FT Dental Assisting faculty, CSM Remote Work & Lab Pay
“The lab rate of pay, and the ability to work remotely are big issues for me. I have a long commute and am a caregiver for my dad at home, so I really appreciate being able to work remotely… it would be nice to have this privilege of working remotely set into the contract language. For the labs, it is truly unbelievable that science labs are not paid at the same rate as lecture. The work generated by a science lab is tremendous…” — FT Biology faculty, CSM |
You, too, can attend our next contract negotiation sessions! Please add your name to the following Negotiations Sign-Up Sheet and a fellow AFT member will reach out to you shortly!