AFT is all of us.

Dear faculty colleagues,

Thank you to the 70+ attendees at our recent all-member meeting, where you shared your thoughts and perspectives on our contract negotiations. Our negotiating team is meeting this week to talk about what next steps we’ll take based on the discussion at Wednesday’s meeting and all the feedback you’ve shared through our weekly ActionUpdate surveys and through department stewards. Your input has given us a comprehensive view of how we can make our District a better workplace for faculty across roles and disciplines.

Our union is stronger when we’re able to make decisions collectively, with the input of all faculty. That’s why our Contract Action Team is currently working to build a Stewards Network of union stewards in every department (or group of very small departments) on every campus. Union stewards will share information and plans from our AFT Negotiating Team and Contract Action Team with faculty in your department. More importantly, stewards will bring faculty experiences and recommendations back to our union’s elected leaders.

Want to make sure your department’s voice is heard? Reach out to your campus chair to discuss becoming a union steward:

  • Cañada: AFT Campus Chair Michael Hoffman (Math)
  • CSM: AFT Campus Co-Chairs Evan Kaiser (ESL) and Tamara Perkins (Film)
  • Skyline: AFT Campus Chair Rika Yonemura-Fabian (Sociology)

In solidarity,
The AFT 1493 Negotiating Team and Contract Action Team