in the San Mateo County Community College District
Presented to the District, July 2009
Article 2: Organizational Rights
- Add to 2.1: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Union shall have the right to distribute, using its own personnel, Union newsletters to faculty boxes, without reservation.
Article 5: Peaceful Settlement of Differences
- Delete Section 5.3
Article 7: Hours of Employment
- Change the workweek for nurses so that it is the same as for librarians.
- Language to modify this article will be forthcoming.
Article 8: Pay and Allowances
- The Regular Faculty Salary Schedule shall be increased by 11% for the 2009-10 academic year.
- The Adjunct Faculty Salary Schedule shall be increased by 11% for the 2009-10 academic year.
- The Faculty Overload Salary Schedule shall be increased by 11% for the 2009-10 academic year.
- The Post-Retirement Salary Schedule shall be increased by 11% for the 2009-10 academic year.
- Add MA w/ 75 units to column 5 of the Regular Faculty Salary Schedule.
- Reinstate the 12 month option for paycheck distribution.
- Provide additional compensation for combined-level classes.
- Provide compensation for committee work, program review, SLO development and other administrative functions.
Article 9: Health and Welfare Benefits
- Effective August 17, 2009, the District will adjust the employer paid premium cap for the PERS Health Plans medical coverage using Kaiser as the benchmark. The District will increase the medical cap as follows: Full coverage for single employees in all plans except PERS Care which will be capped at $604.00 per month. For 2-Party and Family Kaiser coverage the employee out of pocket will not exceed $40.00 per month. For 2-Party and Family coverage for all other medical plans the Employer contribution established for the Kaiser Health Plan will apply to these plans.
- The District will provide the medical stipend to part-time faculty who are employed in the District 20% or more of a full-time load (3/15 FLC).
- Change Disability insurance benefits for faculty to the same received by administrators.
Article 10: Retirement
- Faculty on post-retirement contracts will not lose their seniority on the part-time seniority list.
Article 11: Leaves
- Language to modify this article will be forthcoming.
Article 13: Professional Development Program
- Language to modify this article will be forthcoming.
Article 14: Layoffs
- Add to 14.2 that the Union will also receive notice of the names of those identified for layoff.
Article 17: Grievance Procedure
- Add binding arbitration as the last step of the grievance procedures.
Article 18: Summer Session Employment
- Add Article 19 to 18.1
Article 19: Part-Time Employment
- The District will provide part-time faculty access to a group health plan.
- Increase to five (5), the number of semesters a break in service can exceed before the person’s name is to be removed from the seniority list.
- Language strengthening seniority rights for part-timers in the areas of assignment and retention and for preference for full-time positions will be forthcoming.
Article 22: Unit Banking
- Increase to 30 the number of units that could be accumulated before having to use them.
Appendix F: FLC Allocation
- Increase Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences to 1 FLC per hour.
- Increase Cosmetology laboratory classes to .70 FLC per hour.
Add an Academic Freedom clause to the contract.
Language to modify the MOU’s on Distance Education and large classes will be forthcoming.
Add a progressive discipline system to the contract that includes a Skelly clause.
We reserve the right to add to, modify or delete proposals at any time for any reason.
July 6, 2009