Election recommendations
Don’t forget to vote in the general midterm elections: Vote by November 8
Two AFT 1493 members running in local elections &
SSF “Preschool for All” measure endorsed by our Local
Ballots for the midterm elections have already been sent out and now it’s time to make your decisions on races for state-wide and Congressional candidates, state ballot measures, state legislature and for local candidates and measures.
The last day to register to vote is October 24. Register to vote online here. Mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before November 8 and received by your county elections office no later than November 15. Personally delivered ballots must be delivered by close of polls on November 8 to your local polling place or a ballot drop-off box. Find your local polling place here. On November 8, polls are open: 7 am to 8 pm.
The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) has an online voter guide, called The Educators Choice (click here to view it), that gives you endorsements customized to your local ballot. Simply enter your home address. You can also check CFT endorsements here or download their endorsement sheet here.
AFT 1493 members running in North County elections
Two members of AFT 1493 are running in city council elections: Rod Daus-Magbual for Daly City City Council and Eddie Flores for South San Francisco City Council. Rod and Eddie are both faculty members at Skyline College. Rod teaches Ethnic Studies and Eddie teaches in the Hospitality and Tourism Management program. You can learn more about Rod and his campaign at his campaign website: https://www.roddausmagbual.com and you can read more background on Rod from a faculty perspective in The Advocate‘s Faculty Focus interview with him (from May 2021) here. Eddie’s campaign website is: https://www.eddiessf.com, but you can also learn more about Eddie and his campaign by reading The Advocate‘s interview with him here. Eddie’s campaign is holding open phonebanking every day from 4 – 8 pm. If you’d like to volunteer to join the phonebanking, please click here to fill out the sign-up form.
Rod Daus-Magbual | Eddie Flores |
AFT 1493 has endorsed South San Francisco Measure DD to provide preschool for all SSF children and living wages for teachers
AFT 1493 has endorsed a local ballot measure in South San Francisco: Measure DD – “Preschool for All” because it is an especially important local measure that would provide free preschool for all children 2.5 to 5 years old in South City and would pay preschool teachers a real living wage. Members of AFT 1493 have been working on Measure DD’s grassroots campaign, first to get thousands of signatures from SSF residents to qualify the measure for the ballot and now to help to campaign for its passage. To learn more about Measure DD in SSF or to volunteer to help out or donate, check out the campaign website at: http://ece4allssf.org.