DART invites retired and current faculty for June 28 hike in Peninsula Watershed
by John Searle, DART President
DART (the District Association of Retired Teachers) is planning a group hike in the Peninsula Watershed area, which has limited access controlled by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. We invite current faculty as well as retired faculty to join us for the hike. The scheduled time is for Saturday, June 28 at 9:30 a.m. Participants must sign up ahead of time, providing their name and address. If you are interested, please contact John Searle by phone (650-595-4426) or by email ( The maximum number of hikers is 18. We will be leaving from Cemetery Gate, which is near the intersection of Highway 92 and Upper Skyline Blvd. (Highway 35.) It is a very nice ridge-top hike. Hikers should bring their own drinking water.