December 9, 2009

San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493

Minutes of
General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting

December 9, 2009 at CSM

Present: Eric Brenner, Chip Chandler, Victoria Clinton, Dave Danielson, Katharine Harer, Teeka James, Dan Kaplan, Yaping Li, Monica Malamud, Sandi Raeber, Anne Stafford, Elizabeth Terzakis

Guests: Kathleen Barber, Jim Bollier, John Heinbockel, Lewis Kawahara, Jesus Moya, Erin Scholnick, Angela Skinner-Orr, Rudy Ramirez, Kristi Ridgway, Rebecca Webb,

Meeting began at 2:30.

Facilitator: Sandi Raeber

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Statements from AFT (non-EC) members on Non-Agenda Items


3. District Shared Governance Council Report

Teeka gave a brief explanation of how District Shared Governance Council works.

Dan suggested that some of the Board’s Rules & Regulations be looked at by our attorney, who has explained to us that a number of these are negotiable items, in particular those related to the creation of free speech zones on campus (which were eventually pulled from the agenda of a recent DSGC meeting). According to Dan, a number of Community Colleges (nearly 30 of them) have been surprised to learn that their own colleges/districts had recently passed, or were considering passing new free speech regulations or policies.

Our representative on DSGC (Teeka) explained that recommendations from the Californian Community College League seem to have been the sole (primary?) justification for many of the Board’s proposed changes to existing Rules & Regulations.

4. Decision of Standing Committee of AFT Leadership to Make Decisions Between EC Meetings

Because so many EC members were absent today, we agreed to wait until our January, 2010 meeting to discuss formalizing a process for making decisions between meetings.

In the meantime, we approved the following temporary procedures; if an important issue arises over the winter break, or the EC must make a decision or take a vote on something, we will

  • notify the entire EC via email;
  • give people 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) to respond;
  • consider a “quorum” to be whoever responds;
  • ensure that the AFT President is contacted.

Yes No Abstain

8      0      3

5. Negotiations Report

There have been no sessions since our last AFT meeting (11/18/09); there will be a session Friday, 12/11/09 and another one next week. We can give any ideas/feedback to Joaquin.

At today’s meeting, we discussed some of the items:

  • Step freezes: AFT’s negotiating team agreed that a freeze is unfair since faculty were hired with the promise of being able to move up steps and since it will affect faculty unequally. Those at the beginning of a salary plateau will be most negatively affected. Across the board salary cuts would be more equitable.
  • Personal days: The District’s concern seems to be that some faculty are “abusing” their two personal days. Faculty hired before 1986 can rollover sick days and get paid for them when they retire. It’s possible that newer faculty are using more of their sick days.
  • Professional Development funding: The District’s current contribution is the equivalent of 1% of F/T faculty salaries: the District has proposed reducing that amount to .5%.
  • FSA Language: Dan will check with Patty Dilko to find out whether the Senates have already discussed this issue. He may need to consult with our attorney. The District is currently working to put together a minimum qualifications committee – it would be constituted by the District with help from the Senate. The EC agreed that this is not an AFT matter.
  • Binding Arbitration: Dan suggested that we launch a petition and education campaign in January. One member suggested we follow that with a petition to eliminate the current “No Strike” clause in our contract.

6. Apprenticeship Update

Jim Bollier, a member of the Sprinkler Fitters union and a long-time instructor in the CSM Sprinkler Fitters Apprenticeship Program, spoke about the future plans of the District to transfer the CSM Apprenticeship programs to the trade unions involved in apprenticeship training. Jim was speaking in his individual capacity, and said he wanted the AFT to support the apprenticeship instructors, who he said want to remain employees of the District and members of AFT 1493. Kathleen Barber, of the Electricians Union, and also a CSM Apprenticeship instructor, also made comments on this issue. Jim was asked to write an article for the Advocate regarding this matter, and he agreed to do so.

7. Ongoing Fight Against Budget Cuts: What’s Our Next Step?

The statewide Associated Students of California Community Colleges is planning a March 22 event, rather than participating in the previously planned March 4 events in Sacramento. We discussed holding local events at the end of February and/or on March 4, such as teach-ins, to help educate and involve students.

Katharine reported that at tonight’s meeting, the Board of Trustees will adopt a revised “Reaffirmation of Core Values and Principles,” a document that outlines the Board’s priorities for the District.

Masao Suzuki has created a 2-sided document with salary graphs, which Eric will ask him to distribute to all EC members.

8. P/Ter Group Report

The P/Ter group asked each of us to respond to five written questions by Wednesday, December 16, regarding our views on a range of issues affecting their employment. The group has voted to become a new PT Committee of AFT 1493.

9. How the Personal Affects Work (continued)

Tabled for a future meeting.

10. Minutes of October 14, 2009 and November 18, 2009 meetings

Tabled until January, 2010.

11. Grievances

None to report on.

12. Proposed Change in Dan Kaplan’s SEP/IRA Contract Article – Closed Session

Tabled until January, 2010.

13. Statements from EC Members on Non-Agenda Items


Meeting adjourned:             5:00