
Documents on SLOs and Accreditation

Posted January 12, 2010

The documents below involve challenges to Accreditation Standard III.A.1.c of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC.) Standard III.A.1.c mandates that student learning outcomes (SLOs) be a component of faculty evaluation. At the Fall 2008 Plenary of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (Nov. 8, 2008), the Senate leaders adopted a resolution […]

CSM March 4 Day of Action

Posted February 24, 2010

Educating the Whole Student: March 4 at CSM by Susan Petit, professor emeritus, CSM, English & French CSM’s stimulating March 4 “March Forth” activities, called “A Call to Action: Educating the Whole Student,” focused on advocacy, student support services, and some of the academic areas most heavily threatened by budget cuts. The CSM Theatre and […]

Skyline March 4 Day of Action

Posted March 16, 2010

Skyline Students Walk Out! by Masao Suzuki, Professor, Skyline College, Economics On Thursday, March 4th, hundreds of Skyline College students left class and gathered on the campus quad for their Day of Action protest against budget cuts.  After a short song, Skyline Against Cuts leader Michelle Araica led off the march.  As student marshals held […]

Cañada March 4 Day of Action

Posted March 16, 2010

Cañada students walk out! text and photos by Elizabeth Terzakis, Professor, Cañada College, English Two hundred Cañada College students walked out of class on March 4th and gathered in the campus quad for a speakout against budget cuts. The college’s budget was cut by 10 percent in the last year, leading to the cancellation of […]

March in March: Somos el Futuro

Posted April 6, 2010

Somos el Futuro: Voices from the March in March in Sacramento by Katharine Harer, AFT 1493 Co Vice President, Skyline College, English Skyline students and faculty showed up in force for the March in March on Monday the 22nd.   The Skyline Against Cuts group brought their huge homemade banner, carried proudly in the March 4th […]