Sept. 2022 Advocate: Urge Newsom to increase part-time workload cap

Adjunct faculty

Action alert: urge Newsom to increase the part-time workload cap

Part-timers have long spoken of the difficulty of having to commute between multiple community college districts just to make ends meet, since current California law limits the amount a part-timer can work in one district to 67% of a full-time load. AB 1856 (Medina) would increase the cap on part-time workload from 67% to 85%–allowing part-timers to devote more time and attention to students in a single district, rather than working in 2, 3, or more. We know that raising the cap isn’t the only measure required to solve the issues raised by adjunctification, and we continue to advocate for more full-time hires and a concrete plan to end the two-tier system. Nonetheless, raising the cap to 85% will improve part-timers’ quality of life as well as allowing part-timers to better support our students and engage in our community.

With the support of our statewide union, the CFT, AB 1856 has passed both houses of the California legislature. Now it needs Governor Newsom’s signature. Please use this link to send a pre-written letter to the Governor urging him to sign the bill to raise the cap:

It takes just 30 seconds to send a letter and could make the difference in whether AB 1856 gets the Governor’s signature. Our goal statewide is to get as many letters as possible sent today, so please take a moment right now and urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 1856.