October 2017 Advocate: Keep your AFT T-Shirts handy
Keep your AFT T-Shirts handy
By Katharine Harer, AFT 1493 Co-Vice President & Strategic Campaign Organizer
There are many good reasons to wear your AFT T-Shirt. You can choose to wear it any day of the week, any time you feel like rocking AFT red! You can wear it when you drop by one of our monthly Membership Meetings, which rotate between the three campuses. (See our meeting schedule). You can wear it if you attend a Board of Trustees meeting just to let the Board know that you are a proud union member. You can wear the shirt on a Flex Day to feel that sense of solidarity with faculty colleagues. And we’re thinking as the new Workload Committee (see “Contract Ratification” article on page 1) meets throughout the semester to hammer out Workload Equity standards, we may want to initiate Workload Wednesdays. Let us know what you think of this idea. It takes a little organizing to coordinate those seas of red we saw rolling across all three campuses last school year, but we’re ready and willing to do it. Workload Wednesdays? What d’you think?