October 14, 2015

San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493

Minutes of General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting

October 14, 2015 – Cañada College

EC members present: Najla Abrao, Eric Brenner, Vicki Clinton, Katharine Harer, Dan Kaplan (Exec. Sec.), Michelle Kern, Teeka James, Doniella Maher, Monica Malamud, Joaquin Rivera, Paul Rukhaus, Janice Sapigao, Elizabeth Terzakis, Shaye Zahedi

Meeting began at 2:36 p.m.

Facilitator: Doniella Maher


  1. Welcome and Introductions



  1. Statements from AFT (non EC) members on Non-Agenda Items



  1. Minutes of September 9, 2015 AFT meeting

Minutes approved unanimously, with one addition (approval of AFT 1493 budget) sent by Dan.


  1. Workload Reduction Campaign – Monica Malamud

The CFT is getting $500,000 to fund the CFT’s work with 16 locals selected from around the state, to work on their Building Power campaign. Our local is one of those selected locals. We have a meeting scheduled for October 29 with Zev Kvitky (CFT Field Rep) and Laura Kurre (CFT Training Director). The issue around which our our local will build power is the workload reduction campaign.

Some ideas:

  • Get input from each of the colleges regarding resources, expertise, ideas, because each college has its own culture.
  • Ask Zev to do background research about how other locals have handled this issue.
  • Big issue for part-timers: they are expected to work for free on non-teaching tasks.
  • Work collaboratively with the Senates.


  1. Board of Trustees race – Joaquin Rivera

Katharine and Michelle have taken on the job of helping Maurice get elected, since he does not even have a campaign committee. His website was not good, and Michelle redesigned it for him.

Incumbents are likely to get reelected. The other candidates are all new.


  • Phone banking October 15
  • Tabling at Skyline
  • Meeting with COPE members


  1. Strategic Campaign Initiative Organizing Project update – Michelle Kern and Katharine Harer

Campus Equity Week is the last week of October. Michelle will design a flyer and table in front of Building 15 at CSM. The goal is to do some outreach to part-timers, and to promote the increased medical reimbursement. Michelle will get flyers to the other campuses, so that they can be put in PT mailboxes.

One of the goals of the grant is to increase activism in the union. Katharine needs to be able to report progress in terms of numbers (how many new members, volunteers, activists, ect) to the CFT.

The Community Engagement Survey has gone out. Response has not been very strong so far.


  1. Flex Day Obligation issue – Teeka James and Joaquin Rivera

The issue of pay for PT participating in flex activities has been resolved. The District has agreed to implement article 7.11.2 of the contract. So part-timers will get paid at the regular rate for flex activities if they are eligible to claim flex pay. And part-timers who do not qualify for pay at the the regular rate will get special rate for attending activities on the first two flex days of the semester.

It was suggested that e-mail reminders about how flex works for PT should be sent.


  1. Academic Calendar

Joaquin distributed the District’s proposal for the 2017-2018 calendar. Suggestion: move Spring Break one week early. Move mid-spring flex day to Thursday, March 8, 2018.

  • EC voted to approve 2017-2018 Academic Calendar as modified.


  1. Full-Timers Medical Cap increase: 2016

For 2015-2016 contract reopeners, in addition to medical caps for FT, the union can bring up two non-economic items. Joaquin recommended focusing on the medical cap increase for FT, and cleanup language for article 3, since the contract expires June 2016, and we will start negotiations on the entire contract in Spring 2016.

  • The EC accepted Joaquin’s recommendation, and the union will submit a proposal asking for an increase of $390.94 for 2-party and $506.82 for family coverage, based on what Ron said in his Opening Day speech.


  1. ACCJC

There was a meeting at the Oakland office of the CFT about the accreditor.

CFT had thought that the Board of Governors was a part of the problem, and in particular the system chancellor, Bryce Harris. The Accreditation Task Force of the BOG just issued its report on the accreditation system in California (http://californiacommunitycolleges.cccco.edu/Portals/0/reports/2015-Accreditation-Report-ADA.pdf). It seems now that the CFT is prepared to work with BOG, but not rely on BOG.

CFT wants to bring up evidence that the ACCJC is interfering with collective bargaining around the state.

Task Report main recommendation: the California Community College system needs to look for a new accrediting agency, perhaps WASC or another regional accreditor.


  1. Open Negotiations – EC discussion

Dan read Bob Bezemek’s advice on this topic. The EC had a discussion and agreed that the Negotiating Team could invite certain faculty members for specific items being negotiated, just like both the District and the AFT have been doing.


  1. DPGC Report – Teeka James

A couple of items that were brought up for information:

  1. Faculty ID cards: some faculty have raised concerns about this. The District countered that it would not be obligatory to wear/display the ID cards, but that it would be useful in the case of an emergency so that first responders can recognize college personnel, or when visitors are on campus and need directions. This topic was on the DPGC agenda as an information item only, as the District has already decided to move forward with the plan.
  2. ESL placement test is going to be discontinued. The District wants to start using the TOEFL, but the proposed cut scores would radically change how many students place in the top ESL class.


  1. Statements from EC members on Non-Agenda items:
  • Paul Rueckhaus: attended the CTE Committee meeting. Agreed to develop a position statement on CTE.
  • Elizabeth: is there something we can do about participatory governance? The EC agreed to put this topic will be on a future agenda.
  • Monica: gave an update on the CFT’s plan for a tax related proposition in the 2016 election.
  • Doniella: wants to have a discussion about enrollment efficiency and class cancellations. The Senate at Cañada is planning to put a proposal together.


  1. Closed Session discussion of Faculty grievances and complaints – Dan Kaplan

The EC discussed current personnel issues in closed session.


Meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m.