2018 AFT 1493 Scholarships awarded to Trista Barrantes and John Keller
by Teeka James, AFT 1493 Co-Treasurer & CSM Exec. Committee Co-Rep
AFT is pleased to announce that this year’s AFT 1493 Scholarships have been awarded to Trista Barrantes and John Keller. AFT 1493 Scholarships, each in the amount of $1000, are awarded to two SMCCCD students who maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, who participate in community service activities, and who are committed to social justice issues and concerns.
Trista Barrantes (in photo below), an interdisciplinary studies major at Skyline College, has participated in the Kababayan learning community and plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree in environmental studies with a concentration in sustainability and social justice. She had a life-altering experience in the fourth grade while on an outdoor education overnight field trip to SF’s Fort Funston; she writes that “the disparities between the poor, working-class community and those who are better off in terms of accessing the natural world, healthy food options, and the benefits with parks and outdoor recreation, became apparent to me.” Trista plans to continue at Skyline College in the fall.
John Keller (in photo below) will earn his AA this month in psychology from College of San Mateo and will be transferring to the University of Oregon in the fall. A member of the CSM football team and the Writing in the End Zone learning community, John plans to build a career in helping others, a desire fueled in part by his family’s experience with homelessness. John has worked for years as a youth leader in his church, mentoring in a program designed to support at-risk youth. John believes showing compassion and listening to others is critical to helping youth make good choices. He writes, “I know it sounds easy, but in this high paced society we live in, slowing down and listening to people and our feelings is rare.”
AFT is delighted to honor Trista’s and John’s accomplishments with this year’s AFT Scholarship.
Deborah Armstrong awarded 2018 Joe McDonough AFT Social Justice Scholarship
by Susan McDonough, daughter of long-time AFT 1493 leader and CSM psychology professor, Joe McDonough
The McDonough family and AFT 1493 are delighted to announce this year’s Joe McDonough AFT Social Justice Scholarship awardee: Deborah Armstrong (in photo below).
Deborah is a re-entry student and will attend Cañada College. As a believer in art as a vehicle for change, Deb began traveling with a poetry collective SAYS (Sacramento Area Youth Speaks). She then went on to work with a social justice organization in Stockton, Fathers and Families of San Joaquin. She organized a concert #SchoolsNotPrisons, and later facilitated a School to Prison Pipeline workshop at an ACLU conference.
As a young, African American mother of a 2-month old, Deborah is excited to re-enter college. She is a dedicated and aware young woman with lots of promise. We wish you the best and great success, Deborah.