May 13, 2015

San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493

Minutes of General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting

May 13, 2015 – Skyline

EC members present:

Najla Abrao, Eric Brenner, Lin Bowie, Vicki Clinton, Katharine Harer, Dan Kaplan (Exec. Secr.), Michelle Kern, Doniella Maher, Monica Malamud, Joaquin Rivera, Elizabeth Terzakis, Rob Williams, Shaye Zahedi

AFT (non-EC) members:  Frank Young (Philosophy @ Cañada), Masao Suzuki (Economics @ Skyline).

Meeting began at 2:35 p.m.

Facilitator:  Katharine Harer

Closed session

Faculty complaints and personnel matters were discussed.

7.     Comments to the EC – Frank Young

Frank has been teaching in the District for 47 years.  He was forced to retire and accept a buy-out.  Two of the classes he was scheduled to teach in Fall 2014 were cancelled due to low enrollment, as well as one in Spring 2015.  The Dean informed him that he was supposed to make up classes within one year, by teaching two classes this summer and the remaining one in the fall 2015.  Frank decided to retire.  However, the day before his retirement reception (five months after he was told that his only option was to make up classes within a year), VPI Anderson told Frank that he could have one, two or three years to make up the load.  Furthermore, the VPI said that whether a faculty member could be given 1, 2, or 3 years to make up load would be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Before this, VPI Anderson had refused to meet with Frank in person, instead relying on the Dean, who was empowered to communicate the VPI’s decision.  Both Ron Galatolo and Eugene Whitlock have agreed that the VPI has been acting in an unprofessional manner.

EC members commented that there has been a pattern of some administrators disrespecting faculty in the District.  The union should conduct another survey of administrators and follow up with action based on the results of the survey.

It was suggested that Frank could pursue his issue further with the EEOC and the ACLU.

1.     Welcome and Introductions


2.     Statements from AFT (non EC) members on Non-Agenda Items


3.     Minutes of April 8, 2015 AFT meeting

Minutes approved unanimously, with a few corrections sent by Dan.

4.     AFT Local 1493 budget analysis

Agency fee auditor found that we had a $60,000 surplus at the end of 2014.  This was due to Kathy Backwood being conservative about her projections of union dues that the union receives.  The AFT 1493 budget is balanced then.

5.     Negotiations update – Joaquín Rivera

Joaquin sent an email to the EC in preparation for this meeting, explaining the current state of negotiations:  the District will not remove or increase the cap for total money spent on PT benefits.  One of the union’s arguments for increasing the cap or removing it was that the District is not contributing the same amount per FTE—the discrepancy between AFT on the one hand and CSEA and administrators on the other hand is very significant.  Eugene claims that he has forwarded all of Joaquin’s emails to the Board.

Some ideas that were discussed:

–        Talking to Ron

–        Having open negotiations

–        Going into impasse

For next year (2015-2016), our raise is projected to be around 3.81%. Exact % is not known yet.

6.     Strategic Campaign Initiative Organizing Project update – Katharine Harer

8.     An activist union? – Katharine Harer

End of year summary:

–        60+ visits to faculty members, mostly FT

–        28 COPE members, up from 6

–        Katharine got 3 more COPE members today

–        There are two incumbents on the BOT who will run for reelection.  It has not been determined whether there will be district-wide BOT elections or not.

–        Katharine and Michelle are available to work on election campaign, since the CFT grant has been renewed for next year

–        Goal for next year: to do more community work

–        Jefferson Unified District has organized an education conference, and they want to partner with us to take on the higher education piece

–        Will be asking faculty how they want to get involved in union activism in the fall

9.     Review and re(appoint) AFT Reps to Committees

Motion: to re-appoint Eric Brenner as Advocate Editor.  Approved unanimously.

Motion: to appoint Steven Lehigh (CSM newly hired Economics Professor) to the District Committee on Budget and Finance, to replace Masao Suzuki.  Approved.
10.   Workload Reduction Campaign




11.    Resolution Supporting the National Day of Action for Medicare Turns 50

Dan prepared a resolution and he would like the EC to pass it.  Approved unanimously.



12.   Administration Survey update

Elizabeth and Doniella will work on this with Zev over the summer.



13.   DPGC report

No report.



14.   Statements from EC members on Non-Agenda items:

Lezlee and Elizabeth will not be running for re-election as Cañada co-chairs once their term ends; they are working on recruiting new union members to run for EC positions.

AFT 1493 Facebook page is fenomenal.

Monica reported on the Community College Council (CCC) meeting of May 2nd.



Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.