March/April 2017 Advocate: Letter to the Advocate
Thanks for your thoughtfulness
The following letter is from Richard Unger, husband of Joyce Unger, longtime Skyline College faculty member, about whom we published a remembrance in the last issue. – Ed.
I am genuinely touched by your placing the “In Memoriam” notice for Joyce in The Advocate. Joyce was a strong union member as were her parents. We all came from strong union families. The union does make us strong, and Joyce was proud of her work in the union as well as her academic contributions at Skyline.
We had 53 years as lovers and best friends. I miss her very much; knowing the respect she had from you, her colleagues, and her brothers and sisters in the AFT moves me deeply. I forgot that she had been Union Chair and member of the bargaining team. I will remind my son Zac who is now Vice President of the Oakland Firefighter’s Union and head of their bargaining team. He will certainly be pleased.
Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness.
Richard Unger