March-April 2018 Advocate: Anti-War rally April 15


Major anti-war rally to be held in Oakland on April 15

Seventy-five determined activists from nearly every Bay Area county attended the February 12 founding meeting of the Spring Action 2018 Against the U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad. Their unanimous decision was to build a mass anti-war and social justice march and rally in Oakland on Sunday, April 15, in coordination with the planned national protests.

This new coalition strives to bring the anti-war movement back into the streets, reaching out to all our allies and building a powerful force to end all U.S. wars.

The demands below were approved at the February 12 founding meeting.

• No to U.S. threats of war and intervention in North Korea, Iran and Venezuela. End all U.S. wars now from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen to Sudan, Libya and Somalia. Hands off Haiti and Honduras. End U.S. overt and covert wars, drone wars, sanction/embargo wars, death squad assassination wars.
• Close all U.S. bases on foreign soil. Dismantle all nuclear weapons.
• Bring all U.S. troops home now. Self-determination not military intervention. U.S. hands off the Middle East, Africa, Asia & Latin America. End U.S. aid to apartheid Israel. Self-determination for Palestine. The U.S. cannot be the cop of the world.
• Defend the environment against life-threatening fossil fuel-induced global warming. For a rapid transition to a 100 percent clean, sustainable energy system and retraining and jobs at union wages for all displaced energy workers.
• No to white supremacy & racist policies & actions against Muslims, immigrants, people of color, and indigenous peoples. No to police brutality/murder. End racist mass incarceration. Black Lives Matter!
• No human being is illegal. No to deportations. Yes to DACA and TPS (Temporary Protective Status) and a just and early path to citizenship. No ban, no wall!
• No to sexism, sexual violence, LGBTQI and gender preference oppression. Yes to equal work and pay. Support women’s reproductive rights.
• $Trillions for human needs. For jobs, and social services, quality debt-free education, single payer health care and massive emergency relief for Puerto Rico. No to $trillion tax cuts and corporate bailouts for the rich. No to anti-union legislation. For $15 and a Union Now.

After the March AFT Local 1493 Executive Committee meeting, the E. C. voted to endorse the April 15 March and Rally in Oakland.

The Spring Action’s new Facebook page is: End the Wars at Home & Abroad – Spring 2018 for the Oakland event.  The national website is: and the call, which was approved unanimously at the recent Baltimore national conference of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Bases, is: