San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493
Minutes of General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting
January 19, 2011 at Cañada College
EC Members Present: Eric Brenner, Victoria Clinton, Dave Danielson, Nina Floro, Katharine Harer, Teeka James, Dan Kaplan, Yaping Li, Monica Malamud, Lisa Melnick, Sandi Raeber Dorsett, Joaquin Rivera, Anne Stafford, Masao Suzuki, Elizabeth Terzakis
Meeting began at 2:30
1. Minutes of April 14, 2010 AFT Meeting
Approved unanimously with two corrections (which Teeka will submit).
2. Negotiations Report
An all-day negotiation session was held on January 16, 2011, which Joaquin referred to as “pre-mediation.” AFT and SMCCCD are not officially in mediation; however, if the two parties cannot reach agreement at the next session (to be held on February 2, 2:00-5:00), we will officially go to mediation.
*Joaquin reminded the EC that everything that occurs during mediation (and pre-mediation) is confidential.
3. CFT Leadership Training Workshop
Dennis Smith (Secretary-Treasurer, CFT) and Rosanna Wiebe (Administrative Assistant, Alameda Office, CFT) facilitated an information workshop on strengthening organization effectiveness. Dennis began by saying that AFT 1493 is generally healthy and is therefore in need of a tune-up rather than an overhaul. EC members were given a few minutes to choose four topics (from a list of ten) for today’s workshop. We ultimately focused on the following:
I: Operating Authorities
Dennis recommended that we do a constitutional review every 3-5 years – we are currently working on this.
IV: Reporting Requirements
Among other issues, Dennis stressed the importance of having a conflict-of-interest policy and a whistle-blower policy. He also said we should know which records we need to keep and for how long, and should develop a process for destroying those which we do not need to keep.
V: Online Resources
VI: Accessing CFT Financial Assistance Programs
For further details about this workshop, please refer to, or request, the resource packet provided by Dennis.
Meeting adjourned: 5:00