San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493
Minutes of General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, December 11, 2013, at CSM
EC Members Present:
Eric Brenner, Victoria Clinton, Salumeh Eslamieh, Katharine Harer, Teeka James, Dan Kaplan, Michelle Kern, Sandi Raeber Dorsett, Joaquin Rivera, Anne Stafford, Elizabeth Terzakis
Meeting started: 2:45
Facilitator: Katharine Harer
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Statements from AFT (non EC) Members on Non-Agenda Items
3. * Minutes of November 13, 2013 AFT Meeting
Approved unanimously.
4. Email Instruction
Because we are not allowed to store email messages on our AFT email server, we must regularly delete messages older than one year, or have our AFT email forwarded to another (personal, not SMCCD) account, in which case storing older messages is not a problem. If you have questions or need help, speak with Teeka.
5. Quality Public Education Campaign Update
Katharine intends to meet with people from CFT in the spring to begin work on AFT 1493’s proposal.
6. * Donation to the Tom Torlakson for Superintendent of Public Instruction Campaign?
Though AFT 1493 has traditionally contributed financially only to Board of Trustee candidates, the EC voted (9 “yes” and 1 “abstain”) to contribute $300 to Torlakson’s campaign.
7. Part-Time Parity Campaign: Focus Group Update
Vicki said there has been almost no response from Part-Time faculty to the invitation from the EC’s PT reps to form a small group to work on PT issues. Katharine suggested that all of the EC reps (full-time and part-time) work together to plan some kind of gathering for the spring as an opportunity to get more part-timers involved.
SMCCD is one of four community college districts within the Bay 10 that does not have a parity statement. Those that do, define parity as between 60% – 81%.
8. Recent Grievances and Complaints
Dan gave a brief summary of a range of current complaints and other contract issues.
9. 2014-15 Academic Calendar Update
No update at this time; the proposed calendar has not gone to the Board of Trustees yet.
10. * Performance Evaluation Task Force: Update
Elizabeth reported that the Task Force has not finished its work, and that all members will continue through the next semester. Though the existing MOU expires in December 2013, Harry Joel has assured the faculty members of the Task Force that continuing their release time through the spring 2014 semester will not be a problem. We will, however, have to negotiate a new MOU, including language about continuing compensation.
Because the Task Force wants to wait until all of the materials are completed before releasing them to the EC, and because the materials will likely not be ready until February or March, we will have to wait until Fall 2014 to hold the ratification vote.
AFT will send an eNews to all faculty in January, correcting the information published in the December 2013 Advocate (which stated that the ratification vote would be held in spring 2014 and that if the Task Force was unable to complete its work by the end of 2013, “a subcommittee of AFT 1493 and the District Academic Senate will take up the work.”)
11. Professional Development: Continuation of the Discussion
12. AFT 1493 Video Interviews
Dan announced that as we did not get enough video interviews at the AFT 1493 anniversary party in November, we will conduct more later.
13. DSGC Report (and 2.30)
Nothing to report at this time.
14. Statements from EC Members on Non-Agenda Items
CFT subcommittees are working on drafting resolutions for the spring convention. Teeka will be working on a resolution regarding online education and is looking for contributions to craft a better resolution that the draft currently in existence.
Meeting adjourned: 4:25
*Action Item