Dec. 2018 Advocate: Skyline Chapter Report


Skyline AFT Chapter holding bi-monthly office hours

by Bianca Rowden-Quince, Skyline Chapter Co-Chair &
Barbara Corzonkoff, Skyline Part-Timer Rep.

Skyline College Executive Committee (EC) members are holding AFT Campus Office Hours from 1:00 – 2:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. All-college emails are used to advise full- and part-time faculty of the AFT Office Hours and invite them to come by for a get acquainted visit or to discuss an issue.

The EC members have also developed an Excel tracking sheet that provides a listing of campus grievance details and concerns. Additionally, a grievance intake form is in development to provide information consistency. Skyline College has AFT Division Liaisons for all divisions.

Through our efforts to increase outreach and engagement of Skyline College faculty in union activities, we discovered that there are a few common areas of concern raised by Skyline faculty:

  • clarification of overload
  • clarification of pay categories – Lecture/Lab/Special Rate
  • processes and approvals for usage of Article 13 funds for Faculty Professional Development
  • adjunct faculty compensation for non-teaching activity