Two ways you can make sure your work is safe for yourself, your colleagues, and your family
As faculty are planning to return to in-person work, information below describes two ways you can make sure your work is safe for yourself, your colleagues, and your family:
- Information on the expanded accommodations process we negotiated in our Fall 2021 MOU. This process goes beyond ADA and is available to all faculty, instructional and non-instructional, part-time and full-time, whose in-person work situation is not safe for themselves, their family, or people for whom they care.
- Information on what Covid-related supplies you should find at your worksite and what to do if your worksite does not appear safe for any reason.
If the conditions of your on-campus work are not safe or accessible for you, or not safe for your family, accommodations are available. Possible accommodations include remote work arrangements, moving to a larger work space, or installing equipment such as air filters. You have two accommodation options based on your specific circumstances:
- If you are requesting accommodation based on your own physical or mental health, you can do so under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The District is requesting that faculty seeking ADA accommodation fill out this online form, which will go to District HR, who will work with you and your dean to identify reasonable accommodations. See this article from Skyline College Anthropology professor Lori Slicton for more information and FAQs on requesting accommodation under ADA.
- Under the Fall 2021 MOU that AFT negotiated with SMCCD, you can also request accommodation based on circumstances beyond your own health, from unmet childcare needs to living with or caring for someone who is too young to be vaccinated or at increased risk of complications from Covid. The District has asked that faculty requesting accommodations not covered by ADA first contact their dean. If you are not satisfied with the dean’s response or recommendations, you should reach out to District HR directly by emailing David Feune (
In either case, administrators are required to engage with faculty in an “interactive process” to identify reasonable accommodations. Note: you are entitled to AFT representation during these accommodations meetings. We also encourage you to reach out to AFT as you prepare to to contact your dean or HR to request accommodations, since we can assist you as you prepare your request. In addition, please get in touch with AFT if you are not satisfied with the accommodations offered. You can connect with AFT by emailing Executive Secretary Marianne Kaletzky ( or your AFT campus chairs as listed below:
- Cañada: Michael Hoffman ( and Doniella Maher (
- CSM: David Lau (
- Skyline: Bianca Rowden-Quince ( and Rika Yonemura-Fabian (
Worksite safety:
Every building currently being used for in-person work should have:
- Clear signage at all entrances stating that masks are required, regardless of vaccination status
- Hand sanitizer available and clearly visible
- Disinfecting wipes available and clearly visible
Free surgical masks should be available at key offices around campuses.
Additionally, we know that many faculty have concerns about their individual worksites, especially air filtration and ventilation in small classrooms and offices. Our MOU guarantees the right to a safety inspection for any faculty member who feels their worksite is unsafe for any reason. To request an inspection, fill out a Facilities Request online. You can also report safety concerns at this District website, which offers the opportunity to do so anonymously.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Marianne or your AFT Campus Chairs if there are any additional ways we can support you. We are here to partner with you to ensure that our campuses are safe for all individuals using them, and that every faculty member has a work environment that is safe.