Dec. 2018 Advocate: President’s Perspectives
Great faculty engagement in developing bargaining priorities
by Paul Rueckhaus, AFT 1493 President
And another semester bites the dust. Hope you have championed all that you set out to accomplish this semester and are ready to break free for the holidays!
Looking ahead to the Spring semester, we’re gearing up for this crazy little thing called contract negotiations. We had an impressive showing of faculty from many disciplines and campuses at the November Executive Committee meeting to share and discuss your priorities and desires for bargaining. It rocked us to see so much faculty engagement and interest in the process!
AFT and Senate to address professional development funding
Is applying for professional development funds making you feel under pressure? During the December 10th Academic Senate meeting at the District Conference Room, AFT will be joining AS to discuss and troubleshoot common problems across the campuses related to applying for and receiving Article 13 monies. Please join us for that meeting or share any challenges that you’ve experienced with your AFT campus chair or Academic Senate rep. As the semester comes to a mercurial end, I and the entire executive committee wish you a productive end of your semester and restful, joy-filled break.