Some faculty members have asked: How does wearing an AFT T-shirt on Wednesdays help us win a stronger contract?

  • When we all wear union T-shirts, it helps us feel our collective power and builds our sense of solidarity, showing what we can gain by taking action together!
  • When we all wear union T-shirts, the administration sees how many faculty feel strongly about our need for improved pay, benefits and working conditions; it demonstrates to those in power that WE also have power when we act together!

Wear your red AFT shirt every Wednesday until we win the contract we deserve! Please text pictures of you and your colleagues wearing your shirts (on campus, on Zoom, in meetings, wherever!) to Marianne Kaletzky at 650.416.6339. New shirts are coming soon! If you need a shirt please let your AFT Chapter Chair know, and we will arrange to get one to you.

Read the latest district and AFT contract proposals here.