AFT’s Recommendations for Skyline College’s Health, Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee to be taken to District Safety Comittee

Below are recommendations we hope to vote on today, November 15, at Skyline College’s Health, Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee in order to bring them to the District Safety Committee according to our responsibilities outlined in our contract.

The recommendations have been culled and prioritized from data received by AFT’s recent survey of Skyline faculty. They reflect joint concerns of the AFT and CSEA bargaining groups and our collaboration.

  1. Face masks continue to be worn indoors by all people present on campus, regardless of vaccination status OR county/state orders, through the Spring semester.
  2. Enhanced reporting of Covid exposures and transmissions on a publicly available online dashboard system that’s updated as soon as exposures are known. and includes logistical information including building, room and class.
  3. Before the Spring semester, additional safeguards be prepared and implemented to protect employees and students whose work includes meeting face to face with those whose vaccination status is unknown to them:
    • Occupancy levels for classrooms and other meeting spaces reduced by 25%, (proposed by John Doctor in May), to allow for social distancing, which employees can proactively encourage.
    • Signage on and inside of buildings including symptom checklists and where to obtain masks, including during evening hours.
    • Monitoring of entrances to high traffic buildings such as 3, 5, 6, and Pacific Heights to enforce the district’s policies related to Covid.
    • Access to up-to-date information about ventilation and filtration features in each indoor room or area where people work or gather.
    • Access to HEPA filtration devices for use in classrooms and other windowless spaces, upon employee request, in a timely manner and without supervisors’ advance permission.