Summary of September 2013 Agreement between AFT Local 1493 and San Mateo County Community College District
September 11, 2013
1. Three year agreement July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016
2. Wage increases for all full and part-time faculty as follows:
3.25% effective August 19, 2013
2% effective with the beginning of the fall semester 2014
2% effective with the beginning of the fall semester 2015
Increase Step 11 of the Part Time salary schedules by 1.0% effective 8/19/13.
3. If the assessed valuation of property, as determined by the San Mateo County Assessor’s Office Local Combined Roll prepared by the County Assessor’s Office, increases by more than 3% for 2014-15 or by more than 3% for 2015-16, 60% of the assessed valuation increase above 3% will be added to the 2.0% compensation increases stated above effective with the beginning of the fall semester of that year. In no case shall the total increase for each year exceed 4.5% above the 2% noted in number 2 above. For example, if the assessed valuation increases 8.0%, then 60% of the 5%, i.e. 3.0%, will be added to the 2% of the given year.
The dates for measuring the assessed valuation to determine the calculation above are as follows:
For 2014-15 – July 11, 2014 and for 2015-16 – July 10, 2015
AFT determines how to allocate the additional compensation increase between full and part time faculty.
4. Increase medical cap as follows effective 1/1/2014:
Single: $50.00 per month
2 Party: $75.00 per month
Family: $100.00 per month
Medical Cap increases for 1/1/2015 and 1/1/2016 shall be negotiated as soon as medical rates for those years are provided to the District from PERS.
Increase part time faculty medical reimbursement $100 per semester for a total reimbursement of $600.00 per semester effective January 1, 2014
5. Previous tentative agreement on Article 7.11, Flex Day Obligations.
6. The District agrees to re-open negotiations on two non-economic items identified by AFT in 2014-15, and 2015-16.