Sept. 2018 Advocate: President’s Perspectives


A busy start to the new semester for old and new AFT leaders

by Paul Rueckhaus, AFT 1493 President

It’s only September and so much has been packed into this semester already! So far, this has been a year of transition. We have a new Executive Secretary, seven new additions to the Executive Committee, three new officers, three retirements and one sabbatical. (You can read introductions to our new officers and staff member on pages 4-7.) Hopefully this balance of familiar and new will keep our local grounded in tradition and institutional memory while bringing fresh perspectives and energy to our work.

As you can read at left, we have been able to secure a new salary agreement (including a 4.02% increase for full time faculty and a 5.02% increase for adjuncts). We’ve also made some tough but important choices on political endorsements for Board of Trustees (see article on page 8), and are busy making sure that 22 new full-time and part-time faculty are welcomed into the local.
Looking ahead to the remainder of this semester and academic year, we have midterm elections and contract negotiations on the horizon. On Saturday, October 20, we are looking to mobilize any interested faculty in joining the AFT unions at CCSF and Peralta districts to walk precincts in support of pro-education candidates in vulnerable Central Valley districts. Keep an eye out for more information on that and other actions to occur in October.

Beyond the election season, we’ll begin negotiating our 2019-2022 contract in the coming months. Our entire contract is open and we’ll be communicating frequently with faculty through e-mails, surveys and face-to-face about priorities, process and potential problems.