San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493
Minutes of General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 21, 2013, at Skyline College
EC Members Present:
Eric Brenner, Victoria Clinton, Salumeh Eslamieh, Katharine Harer, Teeka James, Dan Kaplan, Michelle Kern, Joaquin Rivera, Anne Stafford
Other Attendees:
Zev Kvitky (CFT Field Rep)
Meeting began: 2:30
Facilitator: Katharine Harer
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Statements from AFT (non EC) Members on Non-Agenda Items
3. * Minutes of October 9, 2013 AFT Meeting
Approved (4 “yes”/4 “abstain”), pending changes to items #2 and #5.
4. Campaign for a Healthy California
Voted unanimously to support the campaign, which Dan presented at the last AFT meeting (see minutes for October 9, 2013).
5. Quality Public Education Campaign Update
Katharine has written an article for The Advocate about the upcoming Campaign for Quality Education (see minutes for September 9, 2013). Zev pointed out that the term “campaign” might be a bit presumptuous at this point as it is still really in the brainstorming stages.
Katharine emphasized the need for conversation and collaboration, and Teeka suggested that we try to engage PT faculty with a focus on the issue of parity. Dan suggested that since this is not merely a union effort, we should begin seeking out progressive groups/organizations in San Mateo to partner with, perhaps starting with some of the local churches. He also recommended that we run more articles about education in The Advocate.
6. Performance Evaluation Task Force: Looking Ahead
AFT will be holding a ratification vote on the new documents and procedures when then process is complete. Today’s discussion focused on the steps that need to be taken before that vote happens.
If the process is not completed by the end of this fall semester, and if not all members of the PETF wish to continue working on the task forces, a subcommittee of AFT and DAS will take up the work. It is ultimately the responsibility of AFT to ensure faculty have a “fair and rigorous” (Teeka) evaluation tool.
Even if the task force’s work is finished by the end of the semester, AFT will not be ready to hold the ratification vote until spring 2014. In preparation for the vote, AFT will follow procedures similar to those for contract negotiations, providing information and a rationale to faculty about the revisions to procedures and documents, and eliciting faculty input before holding the ratification vote. The EC agreed that AFT, AFT’s attorney, and District Academic Senate should have input before faculty have the opportunity to see final drafts of all documents.
7. October 28 CCSF Forum at CSM
On Monday, October 28, CSM will be hosting an important forum on the history and current status of CCSF’s accreditation and the recent actions of ACCJC.
8. November 15 AFT Local 1493 50th Anniversary Celebration
AFT 1493’s 50th Anniversary celebration will be held on Friday, November 15, from 4:00 – 9:00 at Cañada Vista.
9. Statements from EC Members on Non-Agenda Items
➢ Teeka met with members of ACCJC this morning in her role as President of AFT 1493.
➢ Teeka and Michelle requested high-resolution photos of all EC members.
➢ New group photos will be taken at our November meeting.
➢ We are working to design a new AFT 1493 logo.
Meeting adjourned: 4:50
*Action Item
Minutes by Anne Stafford