What Would 85% Parity Mean to You?
We asked some part-time faculty members what it would mean to them if the district paid them 85% parity (percentage of full-time faculty salary rates for equivalent loads.)
“85% Pay Parity would show that the district understands that teacher’s working conditions are student’s learning conditions. By investing in part time faculty, the district would be directly supporting their most important constituents, the STUDENTS, by making material improvements to the working conditions of 70% of the instructors within the institution.”
— Timothy Rottenberg, Part-Time Professor of U.S. Government, Skyline Middle College
“As an adjunct trying to cobble together a living income in one of the most expensive areas of the country, I currently work three jobs, all part-time, and none offer health insurance. For me, obtaining 85% parity means I will be able to afford to keep my current health insurance after seeing a $200 premium increase effective January 1, 2021. As a high-risk individual during COVID – it’s absolutely essential that I am able to keep my current insurance, as decreasing my coverage would cripple my family in the event of an emergency”.
—Annie Corbett, Part-Time Professor of Psychology, Cañada and Skyline
“Receiving 85% parity equals receiving respect for the work I do for my students at Skyline College. If addressing my adjunct colleagues and me as the ‘backbone’ of Skyline College and the District is valuable, then providing 85% parity is indeed the actual proof to be considered as the backbone of the institution.”
—Suji Venkataraman, Part-Time Professor of Early Childhood Education, Skyline
“With 85% parity, it would mean that I could reduce my workload across the various districts and colleges where I work—perhaps even letting go of some of my regular assignments—because I would earn a living wage from one district. It would allow me to have deeper engagement with my students and my colleagues here in this district, and more time to spend with my loved ones.”
—Anonymous SMCCD part-timer