Nov. 2018 Advocate: President’s Perspectives


Paul’s October Surprise: Trick or Treat?
Important elections will provide some answers

by Paul Rueckhaus, AFT 1493 President


Okay, not much of a surprise. Halloween and — even scarier! — elections are upon us.

While our Local does not compile a comprehensive list of election endorsements, your Executive Committee has voted to co-endorse sitting Trustees Richard Holober and Tom Mohr, who are both running for the District 4 seat for the Board of Trustees. Aside from the Board elections, if you are looking for labor-supported endorsements for the November 6 midterms, please take note of the California Federation of Teachers’ recommendations at: and the San Mateo Central Labor Council’s endorsements at:

Please complete our Negotiations Survey

If you have not already seen our Negotiations Survey, please complete your survey as soon as possible. (A link to the survey is available at The results of this survey are the best gauge that we have for what matters most to faculty. Both your numerical responses and your open-ended comments guide the negotiating team in prioritizing issues for the upcoming contract proposals. At this time, we have close to 20% of faculty returning the survey. If you are part of the 80% who have not completed it yet, please complete it before the survey closes.