In this issue:
- AFT presents petition for a fair contract to Board & Chancellor
Board & Chancellor were presented with a petition signed by over 1000 faculty, students, staff & community members - Faculty organize to keep the class size minimum at 10, oppose Moreno’s call for raising minimum back to 20
When Interim Chancellor Melissa Moreno proposed raising class size minimum from 10 back to 20, faculty organized and spoke out at the May 24th Board of Trustees meeting. Skyline Kababayan learning community students also organized against the increased class size proposal. - End-of-the-semester update on contract negotiations
Rules of mediation require confidentiality, but faculty input is always welcome and your actions help support the negotiatiators - Workload points system update
Improved process for submitting plans, upcoming opportunities to give formal feedback on the pilot program - What if we have to go on strike to win a fair contract?
Lessons from two-day strike at Yosemite Community College District - District rejects a timely disability accommodation process for faculty
” I feel stressed as I work hard to respond to all of my students in a timely manner, but the District often doesn’t respond to ADA requests for months or even years!” - Adjunct faculty: Don’t miss out on unemployment benefits
Detailed instructions and Zoom workshops May 25 & 26 - Sign up to get updates on AFT negotiations