March-April 2023 Advocate: Petition for a fair contract

Contract campaign

Sign the petition to Interim Chancellor Moreno and the Board of Trustees to approve a fair contract for faculty!

Our district has failed to create an environment where faculty are adequately supported to guide students through their educational journey. We have been without a contract for almost 9 months now. Please sign AFT 1493’s petition to “Do the Right Thing for Students! Approve a Fair Contract For Faculty.

The petition asks the District leadership to negotiate in good faith to provide:

  • an increase in wages that allows faculty to live in the area
  • affordable healthcare for all faculty
  • equitable pay for adjunct faculty

We will be hand-delivering the petition to Dr. Moreno in her first weeks as Chancellor and to the Trustees at a Board meeting. We are demanding they show leadership by settling a fair faculty contract as soon as possible.

Please sign the petition at this link:

and then ask at least three more colleagues and/or supporters to sign it as well.

Thank you for your support!