February 2018 Advocate: Executive Committee retreat


AFT 1493 Executive Committee holds spring retreat

by Monica Malamud, AFT 1493 President

The AFT 1493 Executive Committee held a retreat in the afternoon of Friday, January 19, at Cañada Vista.
During our retreat, we discussed plans for our ongoing organizing efforts, focusing on the membership drive scheduled for Monday, February 5th through Thursday, February 8th on our three campuses, with support from CFT staff. (See more on page 5.)

Another topic on our agenda was the College For All proposed ballot measure, which aims to make college free once again in California, and includes an expansion of the Cal Grants. We are excited to begin work on this campaign, which will require gathering enough signatures of registered voters to be placed on the ballot for November 2018. The EC voted to endorse the College For All Act and we also decided that we should inform students on our campuses about this campaign. I already gave an introduction to the College For All measure at the Associated Students of Cañada College meeting on February 1st. (See more on page 3.)

Finally, we all shared the status of ongoing and new complaints and grievances in our District.
Our retreat was very well attended and it provided EC members an excellent opportunity to hear updates and gear up for a productive spring semester.