San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493
Minutes of
General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting
December 7, 2011 at CSM
EC Members Present:
Eric Brenner, Chip Chandler, Victoria Clinton, Dave Danielson, Nina Floro, Katharine Harer, Teeka James, Dan Kaplan, Yaping Li, Monica Malamud, Lisa Suguitan Melnick, Emily Munson, Lucia Olson, Sandi Raeber Dorsett, Joaquin Rivera, Doug Sherman, Anne Stafford, Masao Suzuki, Elizabeth Terzakis, Lezlee Ware, Rebecca Webb
Other Attendees:
Zev Kvitky (CFT Field Rep), Ali Shokouhbakhsh, Huy Tran, Ruth Zucca
Meeting begun: 2:35
Facilitator: Dan Kaplan
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Statements from AFT (non EC) members on Non-Agenda Items
3. Minutes of November 9, 2011 AFT Meeting
12 “yes”
1 “abstain”
4. Negotiations: The Fact Finding Process
The most recent mediation session was brief; the District did not present a counter-proposal. Now, the District and/or AFT 1493 must formally request that we move to fact-finding, a process that could provide valuable information. The pool of state arbitrators is somewhat limited; the two sides can agree to pay for an outside arbitrator. The role of the arbitrator in this process is to push the two sides to reach agreement. Once the arbitrator’s report comes out, it may be rejected by one, or both, parties, in which case the District can impose its last best offer.
The EC agreed that AFT 1493 must continue to push for an acceptable contract during this current contract period even though we will begin negotiating for the next contract soon, and that the time has come to move to fact-finding.
It is possible that an increasingly protracted contract stalemate will have a negative impact on accreditation.
5. Academic Calendar 2012-2013
Due to the numerous specific requirements for the academic calendar and the particular holidays for the 2012/2013 academic year, we must begin instruction on August 20, and fall semester final exams may have to be split into two different weeks. The EC voted unanimously (15 “yes”) to poll faculty over the next week about our calendar options, to be followed by an electronic vote of the EC.
Added item: 5a. Student Success Task Force
The Task Force issued a new draft of recommendations last week, some of the most objectionable ones (to the State Academic Senate) having been removed (consolidation of categorical funds, differential fees based on whether students are taking courses identified in their Educational Plans). However, it still recommends a “report card” for community college districts, as a way to measure student success.
6. Appointment of the New Cañada EC Rep
Following Lezlee’s and Elizabeth’s recommendations, the EC voted unanimously (16 “yes”) to appoint Emily Munson and Lucia Olson as Co-Reps for Cañada.
7. AFT Constitution: Ratification Vote Update
Faculty will vote at the end of January or beginning of February on the new AFT 1493 Constitution; the EC had already voted to accept the new language.
Lisa asked whether a PT faculty member serving in an elected EC position can continue to pay dues during a break in service in order to remain a voting member of the EC, and whether other PT faculty members can continue to pay dues during a break in service in order to vote in AFT 1493 elections, contract ratifications, etc. Though this issue had been discussed at our May 2011 meeting, we agreed to revise the language in Article III, Section 1, to allow PT faculty to pay a $1 fee (as allowed by ???) in order to retain the full rights and responsibilities as AFT 1493 members. Exact language will be drafted over email.
8. Grievances
Chip reported that the District is pushing a number of FT faculty (at all three campuses) to retire with severance packages, which he is currently helping the faculty members negotiate.
Announcement: PERB has issued a formal complaint against the District in response to AFT 1493’s Unfair Labor Practice charge regarding the District’s inclusion of faculty work on SLO’s in the faculty evaluation process. PERB has scheduled an informal hearing for December 16, and the case may go to a formal hearing.
9. Evaluation Procedures: MOU Update
The District Academic Senate and AFT have agreed on language, after making a few clarifying revisions. Diana Bennett agreed adamantly that we now have the absolute final language. At today’s meeting, we discussed strategies for presenting this final draft to the District. AFT is concerned that the entire project could be shelved by the District’s failure to accept the current language and about how this failure could impact accreditation.
10. District Shared Governance Council Report
The District wanted to add language stating that faculty cannot campaign for political candidates or measures as representatives of the District, and that faculty can be prosecuted by the county for doing so. Teeka pointed out that the regulation is unnecessary as the District already has the power to prosecute.
11. Statements from EC Members on Non-Agenda Items
Students at all three campuses have endorsed the new Oil Extraction Tax Initiative. New petitions are available. Dan expressed concern about the likelihood of a successful grassroots signature gathering drive; such an effort has not been successful in the last 25 years.
Meeting adjourned: 4:55