Dec. 2016 Advocate: How do our salaries compare statewide?


How do our salaries rank in Statewide comparisons?

SMCCCD became a “basic aid” or “community-supported” district in Spring 2012. From the 2011-12 academic year to the current 2016-17 academic year, our District’s total projected revenue has increased over 53%, an average of over 10% per year!  It is reasonable that a fair share of those revenue increases go to employee compensation.

It is also reasonable to look at how our faculty salaries compare to other districts around the state. If we look at the data from the annual “Statewide Study Comparisons” developed by the All Faculty Association of Santa Rosa Junior College, the 2015 “Salary Study Summary” (the most recent complete study available) which ranked highest non-doctorate salaries, by step, for all districts in the state, our salaries ranked mostly in the teens through 30th, depending on step.  At steps 1 and 2, we were 21st and 19th, respectively. From step 12 through 36, our rankings were between 16th and 30th, with most of the worst rankings at the top steps. Our only steps ranked better than 10th were steps 7, 8 and 9, which were ranked 9th, 8th and 5th, respectively.

For part-time faculty salary rankings, the most recent state-wide study available was done by the California Federation of Teachers Research Department, looking at 2015-16 salaries. That study compared all districts’ adjunct salaries at four steps and columns. At step 1 with an MA, our salaries ranked 24th statewide (8th in Bay Ten), at 5th year or 9th semester with an MA, our salaries ranked 15th (8th in Bay Ten), at the highest step without a PhD, our ranking was 18th (8th in Bay Ten), and at the highest step with a PhD, we ranked 19th (8th in Bay Ten).

Our statewide salary rankings for both full-time and part-time faculty are not commensurate with our District’s very strong revenues nor with the very high cost-of-living of our area.

SMCCCD’s full-time salary rankings
in 2015 comparison of all districts in state

(for highest non-PhD):

salarycomps-ft-afa2015-smccd-web          SMCCCD’s part-time salary
          rankings in 2015-16 comparison
          of all districts in state:

MA at Step 1:  24th
MA at 5th Year / 9th Semester:  15th
Highest Step without a PhD:  18th
Highest Step with a PhD:  19th