C.O.P.E. Constitution

Submitted to and passed by the Executive Committee at the 2/9/94 meeting.


Whereas, the men and women who are elected officials and who make public policy respond to the needs of special interests and voters who help them get elected;

And, whereas the state legislature has the power to enact collective bargaining laws, to establish state aid formulas to determine teachers retirement system, and to affect local contracts;

And, whereas the policies pursued by the President of the United States and the laws enacted by the Congress affect the education system of the country as well as the daily lives of its teachers;

And, whereas the elected Governing Board of the San Mateo County Community College District occupies a vital position in affecting the working conditions within the SMCCCD;

Be it resolved that the San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers establish a Committee on Political Education.

Article I

This organization shall be known as the AFT 1493 COPE.

Article II Purposes

The purposes of the AFT 1493 COPE are:

1. To support and strengthen the commitment of the citizens and the government to excellence in education at all levels.

2. To promote and strive for the improvement of public community colleges by encouraging and stimulating educators to take a more active part in governmental affairs pertaining to public education.

3. To encourage educators to know and understand the nature and action of their government and the important political issues as they pertain to public education.

Article III Membership

Any faculty member making regular contributions (see attached schedule of contribution levels) shall be deemed a member of AFT 1493 COPE.

Article IV Executive Board

The affairs of this organization shall be managed by an Executive Board which shall consist of those members of the Executive Board of Local 1493 AFT, AFL/CIO, who are also dues-paying members of AFT 1493 COPE, and other AFT 1493 COPE members with special expertise and interest nominated by the Executive Board of Local 1493.

Article V Officers

The Executive Board of AFT 1493 COPE shall select the officers.

Article VI Meetings

Meetings shall be scheduled as needed.

Article VII Parliamentary Authority and Procedure

Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, all meetings of AFT-COPE shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.

Article VIII Amendments

All amendments to this Constitution must be ratified by 2/3 of those COPE members voting in a mail ballot. Constitutional amendments may be proposed either at a general membership meeting or by the Executive Board. If proposed at a general membership meeting, amendments must be approved by a majority of those voting at that meeting and then, within 30 days, submitted to the general membership for ratification. If proposed by the Executive Board, amendments shall be submitted without delay to general membership for ratification.

Article IX Finances

The organization shall be financed by voluntary dues in an amount and manner set forth by the Executive Board (see attached schedule of contribution levels). All such contributions, and funds from other fund-raising activities, shall be deposited in a fund distinct from Union funds. Funds may be disbursed upon approval of a majority of the COPE Executive Board, except that contributions to political candidates or ballot proposition campaigns shall only be made following an AFT 1493 COPE endorsement of such candidates or propositions.

Article X Endorsements

Endorsements of political candidates or ballot propositions shall be made only following a favorable vote of over 50% of those voting at a general COPE membership meeting. Eligibility to vote will be limited to those who have been dues-paying COPE members continuously from a date 30 days prior to that meeting. The agenda for this meeting shall contain notification that the vote is to be taken and shall be mailed to all members at least 10 days prior to the meeting.