San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1493
Minutes of General Membership/Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2013, at Cañada College
EC members present: Eric Brenner, Chip Chandler, Vicki Clinton, Salumeh Eslamieh, Nina Floro, Katharine Harer, Teeka James, Dan Kaplan
(Exec. Secr.), Michelle Kern, Monica Malamud, Sandi Raeber-Dorsett, Joaquin Rivera, Anne Stafford, Lezlee Ware, Rebecca Webb.
Meeting began at 2:40
Facilitator: Michelle Kern
1. Welcome and introductions
Not necessary.
2. Statements from AFT (non EC) members on Non-Agenda Items
3. Minutes of March 20, 2013 AFT meeting
Approved unanimously.
4. PT Parity Campaign Update
Sandi Raeber-Dorsett, Vicky Clinton, Rebecca Webb
PT reps sent emails to all PT faculty. Michelle received a total of five responses, with only two expressing any interest in helping with preparations for negotiations. Sarah received about 6 responses, but only one person said she was interested and willing to meet; overall, the respondents said that part-timer issues we presented were great, and of much
concern. Vicky got some verbal responses from PT saying that they had no time to work on this, but that they trusted the AFT PT reps to do the work.
5. Negotiations
Joaquin Rivera
Joaquin reported that we’re done negotiating policies.
Earlier in the year the Chancellor seemed very eager to start negotiations, indicating that there was money for salary improvements. On Friday before Spring break, the negotiating team met with the district team.
In addition to the economic issues, we have to think of two non-economic reopeners. Eric suggested we do a faculty survey to determine what the two reopeners could be. Response:
we only have two reopeners, so it makes more sense for the EC to determine what they should be; if we poll all faculty, their suggestions could be all over the map, and most will be frustrated when they see that their suggestion didn’t make it on our short list of two.
The next negotiation meeting is on April 24th. Joaquin will research salaries.
6. Academic Calendar Survey
Joaquin Rivera
Joaquin would like to send out the survey sometime next week. He will share the link to the draft survey with the EC, and EC members can send suggestions to Joaquin.
7. Continuing discussion of the 2013 Board of Trustees Election
Joaquin Rivera
Sixty days after the submission of a letter of resignation, the board has to make an appointment. If BOT fails to make an appointment, then there must be a special election (which would happen in November).
Dan will contact Lisa Melnick and Alisa Messer to see if they can suggest any candidates who live in the north area of the county.
8. Performance Evaluation Task Force update
Nina Floro, Lezlee Ware
The PETF met recently and focused on the items that are related to Accreditation: SLOs and Distance
Education. There is a proposal for an observation form and a student survey for distance education. They also have a proposed draft regarding SLO
9. AFT appointments: Negotiations Team. Discuss process for reviewing committee appointments.
Teeka James
Teeka nominated Monica to replace Katharine as a member of the Negotiations Team. Approved unanimously.
For the next AFT meeting, chapter chairs will review AFT reps in different committees.
10. George Wright’s resolution discussion
The EC decided to discuss a resolution about holding a statewide conference.
11. AFT member organzing updates
Rebecca reported that Sandi has drafted an email that will be sent to all fee-payers. The list of fee-payers includes some PT faculty who are not teaching this semester. In March, EC members were asked to try and convert two agency fee payers into union members. Monica reported that she got two faculty to sign up as union members. A friendly competition is underway, to see which campus can recruit the most union members by the May 1st AFT meeting.
12. The Keystone XL Pipeline issue
13. AFT summer party update
14. Statements from AFT members on non-agenda items
a) We nominated 4 EC members to CFT committees and all were appointed by CFT President Joshua Peschalt.
b) Scholarship committee is meeting now to award the first two AFT scholarships to students.
Meeting adjourned 5:00 p.m.