FACT: SMCCCD does not offer any support for new parents beyond the limited Federal and California leave options. Federal leave guarantees up to 12 weeks of job-protected time off, but does not guarantee pay.


FACT: Faculty who welcome a new child into their family can maintain their regular income only if they have enough sick days to cover the leave.

FACT: After sick days are exhausted, FT faculty members on parental leave may be eligible for up to a year of leave and come back to their job within the District, but they will only receive 60% salary for only 6 weeks of that time on leave.

FACT: Part-time faculty can only get coverage from State Disability Insurance.

In sum, SMCCCD does not offer sufficient support to faculty who become parents, and instead makes them use up their sick days and take a significant pay cut to stay on a leave.

FAIRNESS: AFT has proposed a month of paid parental leave before new parents are forced to use sick days or take leave at partial pay.

FAIRNESS?: The District has consistently rejected this proposal in multiple contract negotiation cycles, asserting that the provisions offered by California and Federal laws are sufficient.







EQUITY: The current parental leave policy of SMCCCD creates economic hardships that can interfere with new parents’ ability to support their new family and bond with their newborns or newly adopted children.

EQUITY: By rejecting AFT’s proposal, the District not only demonstrates its disregard for the diverse needs of faculty and staff, but also reveals its reluctance to promote gender equality and prioritize the overall well-being of its employees and their families.

Stay tuned for more messages from your union and be prepared to take action for a fair contract!