Since last October, we have been engaged with the California Federation of Teachers in a statewide campaign to win healthcare for all community college faculty. And after months of tireless activism, we are on the cusp of a historic breakthrough! But we need your help to secure and implement this funding for adjunct faculty member healthcare this fall.

RSVP here to join our dinner meeting with statewide CFT and local union leaders at Mission College in San Jose, on Thus. 9/8 at 5 pm:  All AFT members interested in winning healthcare for part-timers are invited, whether you’re part-time or full-time, and whether or not you’ve been involved with this campaign in the past. Please RSVP early so we can order enough food! Our local will be organizing carpools to Mission College from our SMCCCD campuses, so please email AFT 1493 Executive Secretary Marianne Kaletzky at if you would like to carpool.

This campaign has helped our local increase member activism and union power to win for all faculty. And having won $200 Million per year in ongoing adjunct healthcare funding from the state, we’re now positioned to win the program changes to ensure that this funding actually reaches the faculty and their families who need it.

Please join CFT and our local leaders at the Hospitality Management Building at Mission College in San Jose, on Thurs. 9/8 at 5 pm, to continue preparing for a powerful and successful bargaining campaign this fall:

Please contact Marianne ( with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you on the 8th!