9/8/21 Membership Meeting Draft Agenda

Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 2:30-5 p.m.

Zoom Conference Call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7052173089

Welcome and introductions In breakout rooms:
-What do you do in the District? What brings you to this meeting?
 10’ (2:30-2:40)
Statements by members (non-Executive Committee members) on non-agenda items 2’ per person (~2:40-2:50)
Discussion: 2021-22 faculty salary schedules
– Raise for all faculty for 21-22
– Total Compensation Formula: how it works, broader context
– Adjunct instructor raise for 21-22
Joaquín, Monica, Steve40’ (~2:50-3:30)
Informational item: negotiations update and AY 23-24 calendarJoaquín10’ (3:30-3:40)
Contract Action Team: purpose of the Contract Action Team, goals for the yearKatharine, Rika, Tim, David Lau, Jessica15’ (~3:40-3:55)
Anti-Oppression Committee: purpose of the committee, goals for the yearDoniella, Rika, Evan15’ (~3:55-4:10)
Organizing for a safe return: update and how to participate; counselors’ organizingJessica, David Lau, Michael10’ (~4:10-4:20)
Advocate: plans for the year and invitation to contributorsEric10’ (~4:20-4:30)
Statements by EC members on non-agenda items 2’ per person (~4:30-4:40)
Closed session 20’ (~4:40-5)

*Action item.

The Closed Session item is for EC members only. All faculty are encouraged to attend and participate in AFT meetings.